A review by wolfmouse
Caraval by Stephanie Garber


I finished this book last year and started to write a review on it, which devolved into a multi-page draft on Google docs, where it shall endure in perpetuity because I emotionally exhausted myself writing it and wound up hating this book even more by the end of it.

All I have to say about Caraval now is that it is insulting to The Night Circus to compare it to The Night Circus. Also, read a good damn book.

Addendum: Actually, you know what, no. I am not done.

The most offensive (yes, offensive, because we all should be offended by confidently bad writing) aspect of this book is that it tries to be smart--it works very hard to convince you that it's smart--but is in all actuality stupid as hell when you think about it for longer than 2.5 seconds.

Spoiler Also, Tella should've stayed dead. Waste my gd time 2022.