A review by pixiieee
Escaping the Body by Chloe N. Clark


For the first time in a long time I read this entire book in one sitting, barely taking my eyes away from the words in front of me. Whilst I may not relate to every single aspect of Clark's poetry, and in turn her life, I related to so many of the poems in this collection that it was almost eerie. There were times I wanted to cry, times I wanted to shout "WHY IS THIS SO TRUE?" and times I sat in contemplative silence. This book is described by Interstellar Press as a profound journey and you know what, they're right.

It's very rare for me to have nothing bad to say about a book, movie or game, even the ones I love but I genuinely felt so wrapped up in the story that if I were to try to come up with something it would sound extremely forced and dishonest.

It felt as though Clark had heard the thoughts I only speak in whispers when I'm alone and turned them into poetry. Yet even when reading the poems that I related to a little less the way they were told was so immersive that it didn't matter. I haven't come across another modern poet that writes in the way that I think Clark does yet but if anyone knows of any please send me some recommendations because I can read faster than any one person can write (apart from maybe Stephen King but that's a different topic).

Overall, if you love anything mystical, rooted in nature and symbolism or exploring interpersonal relationships in new ways I would absolutely recommend this book. Despite having already read it, I will be buying a physical copy because I am in love.