A review by raven9949
Blood Lite: An Anthology of Humorous Horror Stories Presented by the Horror Writers Association by Charlaine Harris, Sherrilyn Kenyon


The Ungrateful Dead(5 out of 5): Jerks always get what they deserve.

Mr. Bear (0 out of 5): When I read this story the first time it seemed so fucked up and completely ridiculous I didn't bother to read it again. It seemed like an "interesting" idea if you could call it that... but totally lost in the translation. Heavy horror extremely like on the fun to read part.

Hell in a Hand Basket (5 out of 5): I couldn't help but laugh my ass off... priceless even if it was a little gross.

The Eldritch Pastiche from Beyond(0 out of 5): I don't have a small vocabulary and I can understand more than most, but this story was ridiculous... Nothing interesting what so ever.

Elvis Presley and the Blood Sucker Blues. (0 out of 5): The title sounds bad enough. I'll admit that I didn't read it but I did flip through it and trust me... that was bad enough.

Old School (4 out of 5): Had a hard time trying not to laugh my ass off....
The Sound of Blunder (0 out of 5): Long winded and not very interesting. I probably would have had a better time staring at two rocks and expecting them to do tricks...

An Evening with Al Gore (0 out of 5): Passed and didn't read, title as well as the beginning basically told me I could skip the pain of trying to read and somehow enjoy this short story.

Dear Prudence (0 out of 5): Yeah no horror. No interest. Just a man bitching about how he doesn't have a life. About how he has this intense urge to smoke or drink his life away and its all his wife's fault. Mostly I found this story offensive.

A Good Psycho is Hard to Find (2 out of 5): Pretty messed up but at least it follows a logical line of thought.

High Kicks and Misdemeanors (0 out of 5): WTF? No follow-able line of thought. Way up there on the stranger meter.

PR Problems (5 out of 5): A great story and it gives a me a new insight into creatures unknown. Kind of a gross concept but not too terribly nasty.

Where Angels Fear to Tread (3 out of 5): I was really disappointed by this story. It took a little bit to get started and then once it actually hooked my attention it ended. This was less of a story and more of the ground work for starting a book, all the foreshadowing and information on the world/job but nothing more than that. .... Ravenna seems promising and hot in that deadly sort of way. ^^

A Very Special Girl (5 out of 5): Great story, I really enjoyed the rich detail and the good sense of humor its written in.

Love Seat Solitaire ( 1 out of 5): Interesting in that boy like graphic details on what the guys are saying. Really confused as to who the ghost really was... the switch up seemed out of place and wasn't really explained, so not too thrilled by that. But had the potential to be good and instead fizzled out.

I Know Who You Ate Last Summer (2 out of 5): Ok it was someone interesting in that, oh look their actual cannibals... but when it came down to explanations it was rather poor. The explanations felt as if they were based on information that we should have known but was never given, even in the abstract sense. Also, the death of his friend seemed out of place for someone he actually hated like that, especial when we go back to the point that they were cannibals and actually ate people fact.

Bitches of the Night(1 out of 5): Once again another woman bashing story. So not liking that particular theme. Ok so the male character blames the three bitches for everything, he seems to forget that he brought it all upon himself. He changed these girls, expecting that when they changed they would become his adoring little dolls, instead they used his strength to empower themselves without him. Seems like an awesome idea to me. As a side note, since he's so not happy with his life, why doesn't he just walk out into the sun? Instead he just bitches and whines about how terrible his life will be and all because of "the bitches".
The Bell. . . FROM HELL!!! (5 out of 5): Honestly, I wasn't expecting this story to be this funny... and priceless too. love it.

Dead Hand(0 out of 5): For someone that hasn't ever cared to watch NASCAR this story was rather boring. The jargon was interesting... but the story wasn't. The overall idea was farfetched and seemed rather funky. Honestly what did Champ think about being dead? Didn't Rattler feel an emotion after what he did to the Champ? blah.

Day Off(10 out of 5): Funny. Interesting. Has good action. Has plenty of things to grab you attention. Definitely would like to know more about Anastasia and where she comes into the series, she seems VERY interesting.