A review by aggielexi
Midnight Never Come by Marie Brennan

Did not finish book.


66% through and decided to not finish.
Fairy books make me think of sparkle and pizazz. This book didn't bring any of that. I like historical books, I love reading about royalty and that, I like reading about Fae, so I expected based on the blurb to love this.
There is a female character, faerie Lune, and a male character, human Deven. They're both fine. Nothing new or exiting about what is at stake for them. Lune has fallen out of her queen's good graces, you would think having fallen and now attempting to build herself back up, the reader would be invested...I'm not.

Deven is working his way up into the ranks at his human court. Again, you would think with that, there would be intrigue and excitement. I found it very dull.

Maybe things would have gotten more exciting if I waited around longer, but I went to start it thinking "I can't wait until this is done so I can read something else" and that's when I knew I should quit.