A review by eliclare
Godblind by Anna Stephens


So I just picked this book up because it was recommended to me on Amazon. I rarely do that nowadays and I was pleasantly surprised. I would give around a 4.25 stars. I am quite pleased with it.

1. Plot
Overall the plot was good, the pacing was very quick which was helped along by the super short chapters so nothing ever felt like it dragged which was good. I really enjoyed the progression of the plot especially the section at the end where they are in the tunnels. I thought that that was really well written; Stephens is really good at writing battle scenes, they were easy to follow and I didn't get overwhelmed. I only have one issue, (which isn't an issue right now more so something I just am worried is going to happen), this felt like a finale to me, with the super intense battles and I am worried that the next 2 books are just going to be more of the same thing. I hope that books 2 has a more disvtiguinishable individual plot line instead of just having the 3 books meld together in endless strings of battles. But I won't pass judgement on that until I read book 2 of course. Also, I feel like considering 5/10 of the characters were fighting on the frontline some of them should have died? Especially since literally everyone else was dying? (Not that I am really upset about that (although Corvus is welcome to die)) but still.

2. Writing
For a debut, the writing is really good. It was compelling and I was engaged. I would like there to be a little more showing not telling but overall I was very impressed. I think in maybe a future series, this one being very plot based, I would like to see Stephens focusing on her characters a little more, because she clearly has a lot of potential for that.

3. Characters. (I am going to talk about them in the order they are introduced)

Rillerin: I really liked her. She isn't super unique or individual in terms of fantasy heroines, but she was brave and strong and I wanted her to do well. I feel a little as though her emotions were overlooked sometimes, she seemed to not react to everything as strongly as I feel like she should have, especially considering her history, but overall a good character. I also really liked the relationship progression with Dom. I am STRESSED for them though. She is a character I bet survives the whole series.

Corvus: I hated him. From his first chapter I thought he was disgusting (but hey, that is what we are supposed to think). Also suddenly he mends his and Lanta's relationship or something? That seemed sudden, I was like where did the animosity go? Nope, despised him. I have no more to say. Ugh.

Crys: Probably tied for my favourite character? I'm not really sure who I liked the best. His personality was nice to follow, and I know that he isn't the youngest, (maybe 27?) but his perspective felt younger which was nice in contrast to some of the others. I also liked him and Ash a lot. I am STRESSED for them too.

Durdil: I grew on me, and I liked how smart he was, but overall I am not super attached. His and Mace's narrative voices were too similar I think.

Dom: I actually liked him a lot more than I thought I would originally. He is probably the character who is having a really bad time right now, and I just really feel for him. Kinda worried his is going to turn out to be evil? Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

The Blessed One: No.

Galtas: My least favourite character. Absolutely despised him. He was repulsive.

Mace: Liked him well enough. Don't really have any strong feelings.

Tara: Really liked her. I loved the bit where she is talking to Crys about Ash. I thought that was a clever insert of today's society about how women feel. Really appreciated it. I hope we see more of her in future books, she was really more of a minor character.

Gilda: Again, she grew on me a lot. My favourite scene in the entire book is when she punches Lanta in the face. That was awesome. I am wondering whether she is going to survive to know what happened to her family. I am worried for her (and now that I am thinking about family, really stressed for Crys too).

(Also I hated Rivil)

Overall, a really solid book and I am excited to read the next one.