A review by renaes01
A Single Touch by W. Winters


God damn I can't believe this trilogy is over.

I loved Jase so much in this series with how protective and caring he was towards Bethany and Bethany was a strong women who had to go through a lot.

I did love their chemistry but there was a lot of back and forth between them which got a bit repetitive. There were also so many secrets between them and when Bethany found out about them I think she forgave Jase way to quickly.

I loved the secondary characters as well! I love the Cross brothers and Sebastian and their relationships with each other but also the glimpses we got of their relationships with their girls from the other books. I also really liked Seth and found him to be really intriguing and Laura was a great friend but she definitely has her secrets.

I am most intrigued by Marcus and Walsh. Walsh seems like the good boy copper but their is obviously a lot more too him. Then Marcus...I have loved Marcus ever since he showed up in the first Willow book I read. He is literally a ghost who is just so mysterious and manipulative and alluring. I am so excited to read more about them!