A review by the_chaotic_witch
Die Gemeinschaft der Dolche by Marie Lu



And the issue is that I can't really say this and that were a problem because I don't know how faithful the translation is.

So. My issues.
It's a constant game of pingpong between "oh I am so weak" and "there is so much power around me which I can use" but, oh, no!, "I'm getting weak again" as well as "I don't belong to them, they don't care about me, they're dangerous" and "I am one of them, they are my friends, we'll be bffs til the end of time".
A lot of tell-not-show
I can't really see any character development. I don't really care for them either. Noe emotional bond with the reader or each other was really established. We are told that we're friends with xyz that we had to earn their trust fiercely, but never see them interact. Romance has no basis except (spoiler) it's the main/v important characters who obviously must fall in love. We've got some deaths and I felt nothign for them. Nuthing.
One of the biggest plottwist opportunities is character-driven but not a plottwist anymore because we got it like 30% into the book from the perspective of another character.
And spoiler: Main's powers drive from fear and anger so she's always afraid and angry and that's really as deep as her characterization goes.

Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again.

PS. Oh, and one more thing, that might just be because of the translation I read, but the description of things were really uncomfortable, strange metaphores and sentences like "the blade scratched me and left a deep clashing wound" without special porperties on the blades side. Also, if you like me read books like watching a film I had a lot "choreo-problems". Meaning A and B are talking or fighting and like meters apart and in the next sentence B does something for which they must stand directly infront of A...