A review by ingypingy2000
Lady Danger by Sarah McKerrigan, Glynnis Campbell


You know, it had the potential to be so cute and an awesome story, but to me there was no real fight. Deidre was fairly badass, I'll give you that, but she was swayed so easily! This guy comes in and starts bossing you around, treating you like a child, breaks your sword... and you go pout? ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Plus, you have this warrior chick and yet she's constantly demeaned in front of everyone by her husband. Granted, Pagan was a good guy in his own right, but come on. He was so overbearing and she just rolled over and took it aside from her little bouts of hysteria. Please. Not an awful worthless read, but not something I'd pass along either. If you're gonna write about a warrior woman, then write about a warrior woman.