A review by myth
The Bandit King by Lilith Saintcrow


I reviewed [b: The Hedgewitch Queen|11287858|The Hedgewitch Queen (Romances of Arquitaine, #1 )|Lilith Saintcrow|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1319587813s/11287858.jpg|16215244] earlier. I liked it. A lot. I saw a lot of things for Ms. Saintcrow to play with in the next book. I mentioned many things I loved about it.

This book took them all away. I was angry when I finished this book. It made me think even less of Tristan (and it was from his point of view). It made me think less of Vianne too, at the end.

I cannot even describe to you how angry and disappointed I was. Am. Will be? I might read it again and see if I like it better a second time (it's been known to happen) but not for a while. Because this just...

Other people might like it. Other people might actually love it. But it hit my squick buttons in a major way at multiple points, and I am therefore not capable of judging impartially. I really disliked this book.

1.5/5. I'm sorry, Ms. Saintcrow, I have at least liked every single other book of yours I have read, but Tristan made me angry with what he did to Vianne and everyone else, Vianne made me angry because she went all irresponsible at the end, and that they got together at all at the end (given what kind of person he was, and what he did to her specifically) made me nearly unintelligible in my upset.

In conclusion, world: stop trying to sell me on the idea that obsession is love, and that love itself is enough to get your relationship through anything. And Tristan might be my least favorite character in all literature, because whatever Edward Cullen did, he never raped his 'love' and got away with it scott free or was responsible for the death of her best friend/cousin with only a teensy bit of regret.