A review by erinevelynreads
Scared Little Rabbits by A.V. Geiger


I wasn’t sure what to expect when I started Scared Little Rabbits. It starts off as a thriller but quickly morphs into a teen drama filled with mean girls, outcasts, and cute boys.

Set at a summer program for tech geniuses, it follows teenage engineer Nora, as she navigates the social landscape of the program. There she meets Maddox, a seemingly bad boy, on the social media app known as InstaLove. Maddox, the former longtime boyfriend of program sweetheart and billionaire daughter Eleanor, is interested in Nora as well, and the two pair up to write a module for InstaLove to showcase at the end of the program. But when Eleanor goes missing, secrets are exposed and everyone starts to wonder what’s real and what’s for appearances.

Scared Little Rabbits does an excellent job of imagining an exploitative social media application in InstaLove. As an engineer, I’m always fascinated to see how people reference technology in media, and Geiger did an excellent job. She drops in references to bits of code and programs seamlessly with her story in a way that feels natural. A large part of the story centers around AR, wearable tech, and privacy. It provides a unique commentary on the ethics of AR and its impact on our world.

As far as the story goes, I thought it jumped around quite a bit in a way that often made it difficult to follow. It switches points of view from Nora to Maddox to journal entries from Eleanor. The technical part was well-executed, but the story was lacking at times and dragged at several points. Overall I enjoyed it!

Thank you to @netgalley and @sourcebooksfire for the review copy!