A review by melissa_reads19
Read with Pride by Lucy Powrie


Could I love this book anymore?
I preordered this book as soon as possible, but only just managed to write this review after I got my phone repaired! If you haven't read the first one, don't feel as though you are going to find this book difficult- it's written in such a way that you can follow on anyway. Although, I would recommend reading The Paper & Hearts Society, because it's just so good! The characters are so loveable and relatable and very, very shipable (if that's a word??)! You will most definitely come out the end of it with a whole load of books for your TBR, but even if reading isn't really your favourite thing in the world, this series will definitely make you want to run at a bookshop! The plot is so brilliant and I definitely connected to Olivia on an emotional level with the stress she was going through. Plus, the LGBTQ+ representation is perfect in my opinion. If I could give this book anymore stars, I most certainly would!!