A review by dylan_tomorrow
Gone, Gone, Gone by Hannah Moskowitz


Oh, this book ...

I really loved it, despite the sometimes slighly annoying shininess whinyness (I just had to preserve that glorious typo!) of the protagonists (I am one to talk :D).

Especially the writing, oh the writing! So raw, yet witty, yet close to what the characters were actually going through. Just read the sample and you'll know what I mean.

And the charas are great too. I almost want to be friends with them, then again, it would probably be more accurate to say, my 15-year old self would want to be friends with them.

SpoilerI was scared of an evil twist ending where one of them gets shot, but thankfully, we got an actual happy ending which was surprising given Moskowitz' reputation of only writing heart-breaking stuff. Well, guess I'll get the heart-break from [b:Teeth|12024430|Teeth|Hannah Moskowitz|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1335469628s/12024430.jpg|16990352], so I am glad to have caught her maybe one pretty upflifting book. Yay happy ending! :)

So, great book. I regret abit I could not write this review last night immediately after finishing, but I just needed my sleep and especially now that
SpoilerCraig finally got his (I knew some cuddling would solve his insomnia! Called it! :D).

Everyone read this. It will leave you happy and glad to have read it. :)