A review by schomj
The Silver Snare by Stephanie James


Another old school JAK that I've somehow never read before. I kind of want to re-title it The Silver Snare... of Patriarchy. (aka, a retelling of The Taming of the Shrew.)

Most of the book was the heroine's internal struggle to figure out what she wanted vs what she thought she was supposed to want (2nd wave feminism) vs what the hero told her she wanted (patriarchy). But, her thinking was such a muddled mess that the hero's Holy Stalker, Batman tendencies were actually somewhat sympathetic. (This book came out around the same time as bell hook's Feminist Theory, which I kept wanting to hand the heroine and tell her to read -- you can want a family and a career and enjoy sex, really it's ok).

Overall, the heroine was really funny sometimes and I love that the hero owns a pet store, but I'm not sure if I'll ever bother reading this one again.