A review by teelight
The Ice Princess by Emmy Morgan


This story took a little bit for me to get into. I wasn't crazy about the narration style at first. It is a pretty direct first person narrative and it was a little bit off putting when I started. When I finally started seeing it more as I was sitting in a coffee shop while the narrator told me a long juicy story about their life the story got better.

The story really blossoms and opens up in the last six chapters. Those are by far my favorite and I actually started crying while reading those chapters. Before then the book kind of blows through plot points at a quick pace, but then it gets to those last chapters and the plot has a little bit more time to sink in. I started cheering the main character on and I felt invested in her relationship. There aren't that many romance stories for transwomen, and as a fellow transwoman myself it was really nice to read one.

There's a publisher listed on the book, but this reads like a self-published work. I'm not saying that as a bad thing, I have multiple self-published works of my own. I say that because like most self-published work there are some grammar issues that need hammering out. Things like there are open quotes with no closing quotes, paragraphs cut in the middle of sentences, and sometimes the wrong word is used. The chapter structure is a little bit different too since it's a 29 chapter book that is 90 pages. Those kind of things can keep people away from a story like this, but personally I find that to be part of the reason why I read self-published books. None of the grammar issues are bad enough to ruin the story. I like a little bit of mess in self-published works. It makes it feel more personal and I appreciate that Emmy Morgan put this out there. It's clearly a personal story for her and I'm glad I got the chance to share it with her.

I would recommend this book to other people. Especially transwomen and people more open to reading self-published works. If you're looking for a sanitized team worked published story this might not be your jam, but if you just want a nice quick read this book hits the spot. Sometimes its just nice to hear a friend tell you a story.