A review by realityczar
Zero Sum Game by S.L. Huang


This book is a delight. It’s set more or less in the real world, though the main character—professional retriever Cas Russell--and some others are more or less superpowered. It's fun that Russell is so good at things and that she attributes that to her fierce math skills. She is a shadowy paladin with a flair for violence and a fun antisocial streak.

The plot is suitably twisty, very fast-paced and cinematic and demanding of a robust ability to suspend disbelief. The writing is good, the characters, especially Russell, are distinct and affecting.

The last third asks maybe a little much of that disbelief suspension, the story is filled with sometimes graphic violence that is brushed off with minimal effect on the main characters, and the ending was—perhaps intentionally?—unsatisfying. That said, I can’t wait to have Cas Russell back in my life.