A review by swoody788
The Spectator Bird by Wallace Stegner


Maybe I'm being rash but I think this book has cemented Stegner in place as one of my favorite authors, possibly even my favorite author. With each of his works I feel as if I've stumbled on some secret power that I can reread and consult for the rest of my life, and that each time I partake I will learn and appreciate even more.

This book (as are his others that I've read so far) is full of wisdom and truth and is so satisfyingly contemplative, all while being as far from pretentious or stuffy as a book about growing old could be. Allston's constant literary references are one of my greatest delights and his curmudgeonly humor seeps through in a familiar and lovable way. Now I really want to read Out of Africa.

Only 4 stars because there were a few passages I could have done without as well as a bizarre side plot, but all are easy to overlook when thinking about the beauty of the book as a whole.