A review by hcmurdoch
Take the Bai Road by Erika Mitchell


I read Erika Mitchell's first Bai Hsu novel, Bai Tide, and quite liked it. However, this book is better. I feel like Mitchell found her voice, is more confident in her character and her writing, and it all came together for a fun spy novel.

Bai Hsu is a CIA operative working on his own this time. He is so competent and talented: he is trained in martial arts, lock picking, fire arms, knows five languages, and is pretty darn savvy. I also think he has a good personality; he is smart, personable, and seems able to get along with almost everyone he encounters, even those whom he is fighting. I like that about him. He seems like someone I'd like if I met him.

I also thought having a story based around the Mexican drug cartels was interesting, even though the main story isn't about drug smuggling. Connecting North Korea from the previous book to the Mexican cartels and the US government was an interesting angle that I didn't expect. I also like that the book isn't one where I feel like events are implausible. Yes, it's spy stuff, but not out of control spy stuff. So that's fun.