A review by elylibrarysec
Fighting for What's His by Laura Kaye


Rating: 4.5 Stars

Shayna Curtis feels awkward about coming home. She meets a neighbor and you can feel the connection they have right away. Billy Parrish got the shock of his life. For him working out helps to relieve some stress. They have one scene where they’re talking and he says something that’s sweet but then it turns sad – something that seems so real and makes you wonder…

If you’ve read the first book in this series than you will enjoy seeing Noah Cortez here. What’s good is that he doesn’t overtake the story leaving Shayna and Billy to shine. Their story has temptation, friendship, plenty of teasing and heat. It seemed like she was meant to be there. Billy just has to realize that. Regrets is something they have in common but the author knows just what to do so that it doesn’t get out of hand. We get to enjoy how this author has them form a connection that not everyone is lucky enough to have.

I was very happy to see that this is only the second book in the series. This means that I have more books to enjoy and more men of the club to get to know. I also enjoy getting to know some of the secondary characters – Reuben being one of them. It’s a story with a lot of emotion that you can’t help but get involved. I enjoyed watching this author’s creativity come to life as each scene went by. She creates some new words that our couple spit out every once in a while that gave me a nice chuckle. Then she leaves me an interesting ending that left me saying “huh”. So where do we go from here?

I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.