A review by michellewords
Destination Unknown by K.A. Applegate


Katherine Applegate destroys my childhood with Animorphs, my teenage years with Everworld and now my adult life with Remnants.
In Destination Unknown, you have the same crew members from the previous book. They have landed somewhere on a planet that's a little different, some didn't make it at all, some of the people sort of made it and then there are a very select few that are fully aware and functioning human beings. Through this book they learn where/when they are and create a mini-society to set out to solve the problem of their location.
You could pretty much copy and paste my review from the previous book to this one.
The writing isn't anything crazy fantastic. The characters are pretty basic and there isn't a lot of depth across the whole book. It's almost refreshing to read for fun again; to read without having ot interpret words and feelings that are implied.
It's pretty mesmerizing and there's nothing like a good young adult/juvenile fiction to give me good spin. I liked it a lot. I'm excited to see where this goes.