A review by alymiwasaa
The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins


OKAY had to wait a bit to review this but oh my god this has got to be my favourite classic i've ever read (note i have not read that many classics but we won't pay attention to that). is it probably about 200 pages too long? yes but idgaf this book was so engaging the entire way through, and so much easier to read than other victorian novels. despite the long length, none of the pages or events felt like filler, and though the ending was a little anticlimactic, i'll admit, i still loved the happy conclusion of the story, it was soooooo so cute.

now, as for the characters, i adored every single one of them (except mr fairlie fuck you bitch). marian was by far my favourite, despite her constant jabs at her own gender, she was so strong, reliable, and the glue that held the mystery, and the main three together. i am a sucker for strong female relationships, romantic or not, so seeing the way that laura and marian cared for and loved each other unconditionally was so heartwarming. laura, though a little less interesting than marian, was a great character to watch develop, as she began standing up to the men around her and advocating for her own needs. walter was a bit of a loser but a lovable one! his determination towards the end of the novel was commendable, though his slight lack of danger sense was rather funny.

now. i cannot talk about this book without talking about count fosco. oh my GOD. what an insane villain. sir percival sit the fuck down you are so irrelevant honestly. i think the thing i liked the most about fosco's introduction, was that it wasn't immediately obvious that he was evil, like sir percival. with him you could see it from a mile away, which was definitely intentional. the count was so sly the entire time i was so gagged when his true nature was revealed. and what a man he became after the big reveal! so cunning and smug and still so delightful to the people he was trying to fuck over, while he was fucking them over. i LOVE him, and it's so funny to me that his downfall was that marian slayed that hard that he couldn't stop thinking about her, have i said that i adore marian?

anyway, amazing book, read it now