A review by moonpie
Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers by Anne Lamott


I started reading Help Thanks Wow when I was in a pretty rough place and thought Lamott's writing would be just the thing to pick me up.

The book is divided into three sections (CAN YOU GUESS WHAT THEY ARE?) and I made it through "Help!" and part of "Thanks!" and then wandered off and never came back. I finally had to return the book last weekend, so, despite my fondness for Lamott's writing, I'm going to have to mark this one "unfinished."

I think the biggest reason I didn't power through Help Thanks Wow -- it's a short little book! -- was that it didn't feel cohesive. It didn't flow the way I expected; it was more like a bunch of shorter bits tied loosely together into a string of good illustrative moments. Everything was written wonderfully and there were nice insights tucked in there, and "Help!" was just what I needed at the time I read it, but I didn't feel a pull to see the whole thing through.