A review by jenreads83
Rectify by Marley Valentine


Marley Valentine has once again written a story that grabbed me from the first few pages and did not let go. Rectify was truly a sensational book and so beautifully written. It is a tale of self-discovery, finding your own self-worth and learning to love yourself.

Sasha and Jay’s story is a complicated one. They have a past that goes way back to their teenage years and is a tale of poor choices and decisions, mistakes and regrets and hurt and pain. Sasha and Jay go on an epic emotional journey together as they seek to forgive and make up for their losses. Their path to their own happily ever after was a joy to read. Individually they grow, recognise their own mistakes and learn from them.

This was such an outstanding read and I absolutely loved it. Marley Valentine has been a must-read author of mine since I discovered Reclaim and with Rectify she has only cemented herself as an author to watch because she has pure talent and definitely deserves every praise and acknowledgement she gets for creating this wonderful series and her incredible storytelling.