A review by leah_reads
Not Quite Perfect by Annie Lyons


*Received in exchange for an honest review*

*Thank you Carina*

This was such a fun little read. I seem to be on a bit of a contemporary/ chick-lit kick at the moment because I'm devouring them! Not Quite Perfect is one of those easy reads that you can devour in just a few hours. Not only is it a really sweet little read, it's also Harlequin's Carina's very first physical book! So a massive congratulations to them :). Going back to the book though, I was completely drawn in by the lifestyles of the two sisters, Emma and Rachel, and I was really excited to find out what was going to happen to make things 'not quite perfect'.

Not Quite Perfect follows the path of the recently engaged editor Emma and the married mother, Rachel. From the very first chapter we're made aware that things aren't going to run smoothly through this novel. Questionable thoughts are popping up inside both of the womens minds about their lives and choices. Rachel feels stuck in a rut and appears to regret not immediately going back to work and Emma is having a difficult engagement with Martin; lack of communication is such a key element to this novel but it makes for some hysterical moments. With the author being an ex-publishing bod there was plenty of detail on Emma's job; a major bonus for me. I'm fascinated by the publishing industry and bursting to get into it so reading a book with an editor as a main character was right up my street!

I think the only thing I wish had been done differently is the mistakes that were made by the two sisters. I'd have preferred it if they had both made drastically different mishaps to see how different characters deal with different situations. At times it was a little too convenient that certain things happened making it less believable. Overall though, Not Quite Perfect is a very humorous read. I loved reading the scenes with Rachel's children - they guarantee plenty of laugh out louds! A light and fun book, Not Quite Perfect makes for the perfect summer read!