A review by dreamofhorses24
Screwed by K.M. Neuhold


It's About Time!

FINALLY! We FINALLY got Ollie's story after all the teasing throughout the series! I could not be happier with how this turned out. Throughout this book my thoughts ranged from "Poor Ollie" to "Holy smokes! that's hot!". Screwed is one of my favorites from this series. The sexy times are Hella hot and the jokes are just as funny as the first three books. Naturally we get cameos from the other three bears, as well as Ren, Dare, and Watson. This time though Daniel gets a starring role as Ollie's love interest. Daniel and Ollie couldn't be more different but with a little perseverance they find out they have more in common than they think. I love the way Daniel stands up to their friends and defends Ollie. These two characters are some of my favorites and theirs is one of the hardest won HEAs. I definitely recommend this book especially after you've read the first three Four Bears Construction books.