A review by ameserole
Three Times As Deadly by Erin Wade


I'm still not quite sure what I feel about this book after finishing this yesterday.. so yeah.

Three Times As Deadly was a random book that I found on my audible romance package. It was interesting to say the least but I felt like something was off or I was just missing something. It's like certain parts weren't meshing with my brain for some reason. I did like the little action I got here and there because it was kind of like a female version of Indiana jones. Possibly the better version - but again, not quite sure about that at the moment.

In it, you will meet Alex and Sloan. They are a sexy ass couple with lots of sex throughout this book. I liked them but it just felt super awkward when people would be like - oh, you aren't a lesbian couple are you? but then be like.. it's okay if you both sleep in the same bed? like a sleepover? yeah idk.. lesbihonest - they were haters.

Other than that, again, I just felt like some times wasn't really connecting. The random divorce, Alex disappearing a lot that made me think she was a villain of some sort, and then when we found out the actual villains - it was just kind of anti-climactic. I liked it though but I felt like I just kind of fell asleep throughout this book.