A review by lauren_soderberg
A Secret for a Secret by Helena Hunting


Helena Hunting’s A Secret for a Secret is the perfect combination of chemistry, humor, and emotion, and is an apt conclusion to her All In series.

NHL goalie Ryan Kingston is the epitome of a rule follower, from his overly cautious driving, to his perfectly pressed khakis. Queenie Masterson is a free-spirited ball of chaos who is trying to figure out her life. After a hot night of hooking up, both are sure they won’t see the other again. That is, until they both realize that Ryan plays hockey for Queenie’s father’s team. Can they attempt to be friends? Or will the overwhelming pull they feel toward each other be too intense to ignore?

One of Hunting’s greatest skills as a writer is her ability to incorporate witty humor and over-the-top laughs into a story that also has layers of emotional depth. There are so many moments where the interactions between Kingston and Queenie are downright hilarious (strawberries, anyone?), and others that tug at your heartstrings. Even though Kingston and Queenie hook up at the beginning of the book, you still feel the slow burn of chemistry as they both try to be friends without the benefits. It’s a satisfying narrative unraveling that has a great payoff. The reader also gets to know these two characters in an intimate way: they’re flawed, they’re insecure, they’re genuine. It’s very compelling to read.

Another Hunting hallmark is her intricate world-building. All of the characters contribute to the narrative arc in an essential way. No character feels superfluous, and you find yourself becoming invested in their stories as well. This is especially evident with Alex and Violet’s daughter, Lavender, with Queenie’s father, Jake, and with Kingston’s “momster,” Hanna. There are so many narrative threads to mine in this book, which is why I think Hunting is so adept at creating series. There are just too many stories to confine to one novel.

In all, A Secret for a Secret is a novel that will put a smile on your face, perhaps give you a few tears, and leave you feeling wholly satisfied. Add this to your TBR stack immediately, and check out the rest of the All In series (and the Pucked series) if you haven’t already.

Thank you to the author, Montlake Romance, and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review!