A review by queerkidreads
Love and Other Wicked Things by Philline Harms


Thank you to Netgalley for giving me an arc in exchange for an honest review!

I was promised sapphic witches inspired by Hozier music, and I sure was given just that! I almost exclusively listened to Hozier while reading this book, and the vibes were just *chefs kiss* I loved everything about this book, but let's break it down.

I loved Rhia and Valerie so much, and how much they both grew throughout this book. Their love for each other was also so sweet and felt very realistic. It wasn't just some instalove where they got together immediately, there was SO MUCH mutual yearning and things they had to go through, before they could fully love each other. I'm also just a big fan of opposites attract.

Not only were the main characters deep and very well developed, but so were the side characters. I especially loved Quinn and Tristan. They had a purpose and a reason and went through their own things, Quinn most of all. Them finding out about their own magic and family secrets were a nice addition.

This book had so much casual representation, and we really need that more in books. Almost every introduction included pronouns, which I really liked, as it's a thing we need to normalise. There was also uses of neopronouns, which is also super rare in books, but super nice to see. Almost everyone was also just queer in some way. Very realistic, as queer people usually come in groups.

I adored the magic system. Books about witches can quickly become very fantasy-like, but here it was kept very modern, and a lot the magic they used actually seemed like something you could use in real life. I'm almost certain I've heard of people using similar magic. I liked this, as low-fantasy is my favourite kind of fantasy.

Most of the book was very feel-good, which I didn't mind AT ALL as we need more happy queer books. The autumn vibes, the casual magic, the yearning and loving between Rhia and Valerie, the platonic love between Quinn and Valerie and Rhia and Tristan and just Rhia's love for her family and the love and bond they shared with each other just made me so happy. The last 100 pages or so where all the family secrets started to be revealed and stuff just went south had me HOOKED, and I loved learning about it all. If it hadn't been for life I would've devoured this book in no time.

Another thing keeping me hooked was Philline Harms' writing style. It was super addicting, and just beautiful. The way she described everything was just so >>> and it was full of emotion. You could easily feel the vibes of what was going on, and what the characters were feeling.

The chapter titles being tarot cards and their meaning was such a genius and nice touch. I almost want to get into tarot readings now, no joke. Oh and the soundtrack by the end of the book?? Absolutely brilliant.

I cannot recommend this book enough if you're looking for sapphic witches. It sure was everything i needed.