A review by rosebudreading
Knight in Paper Armor by Nicholas Conley


If you are looking for a good science fiction read then look no further. This book is a fast paced hard hitting read. It covers a lot of social issues such as discrimination, segregation, and capitalism.
The plot of this book was intense. Every time I thought I knew where the book was going something happened to throw it all off. There was a lot going on in the ending ending that made it a little hard for me to follow at times and I found myself having to reread so that I could make sure I had what was happening straight in my head because it was a lot of jumping around.
The characters were interesting. I thought they were pretty well developed. I definitely felt invested in how their lives turned out throughout the story. I also need to say that this book had some pretty graphic violence that made me super uncomfortable.
Another thing I really struggled with while reading this book was the world. The way people were treated and discriminated against. It just hit really close to home with the way the world is today in 2020.
This book definitely has a lot going for it and I would recommend go anyone who enjoys dystopian, science fiction books.

I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review.