A review by debnanceatreaderbuzz
Dear Baobab by Qin Leng, Cheryl Foggo


Maiko misses his baobab tree, back home in Africa. He misses almost everything about home in Africa, but he really misses his baobab tree. He discovers a new confidant in the little spruce tree in his new home, a tree, he soon learns, that is growing too close to the house and will have to be cut down.

A warm story about learning to fit in.

“Sometimes, he sat on the step and shared secrets that he told to no one else. He talked of his village and the baobabs, and how he missed his friends at the school where he had gone after his father and mother died. He told of how lonely he felt as the wind blew him across the wide ocean in an airplane, and how strange it was, at first, to sleep in the red brick house.”