A review by princeeskeleton
Trouble by Non Pratt


I was surprised with how much I actually enjoyed this book. I expected it to be maybe a 2 star review kind of book, but once I started reading it I couldn't stop. It was definitely different from any other YA contemporary I have ever read, and I appreciated the message the book holds.

"Trouble" is a book about a 15 year old girl, Hannah, who becomes pregnant and has no one to turn to. Until Aaron comes a long and volunteers to be the father of her unborn baby, although he is not the father himself. It's actually really difficult to write a summary about this book without giving to much away so i'll leave it at that.

I don't typically pick up underage pregnancy books because A) I never hear anyone talking about them, and B) I have some strange fear of becoming pregnant so whenever I read underage pregnancy books I get heaps of anxiety, which isn't fun.

But after hearing this book is centered around a PLATONIC RELATIONSHIP as opposed to a romantic one I just had to read it honestly. I feel like YA favors romance way too much that they often skip over great opportunities to showcase a great platonic relationship (-cough- Crown of Midnight -cough-
). It's important to let readers, especially young readers at that, know that romance isn't everything and you can have great fulfilling platonic relationships as well as romantic ones.

The great things about this book:
- The relationship between Hannah and Aaron is amazing. There are no romantic intentions involved, it's simply a very strong and fulfilling platonic relationship.
- The writing was also really good.The dual narrative of the book made for a very interesting, and fast read.
- The sex positivity, and whole family dynamic was pretty great. In no way is Hannah ever shamed by her family for having sex. The people that shame her the most are actually her classmates, and the people that she thought were her friends.
- Neville and Hannah's grandmother are instead seen as friends as opposed to "mystical and wise old people" that is so often portrayed in any genre.

Some Stuff I didn't find to great about this book:
- I felt that Hannah, at points in the novel, was just so dumb? I also felt her character didn't develop that much throughout the course of the book
Spoiler The fact that although Hannah was 15 at the time that she had sex with Jay, who was 18 or 19, and in the UK the legal age of consent is 16, which ultimately makes Jay a rapist, but it wasn't explored at all or even mentioned in the book? I found that quite odd in my opinion.

- I found some of the bullying was too far fetched for high school students honestly.
- I felt that certain things weren't resolved, and it kind of ended abruptly.

All in all I did enjoy this book a lot. It was fast, fun, and a perfect spring time read. The reason why this book is a 4 star, in my opinion, is because of Aaron and Hannah's friendship, which deserved a whole star. I highly recommend this book, and i'll be on the look out for other books by Non Pratt.