A review by whykimwhenyoucanseokjin
Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas


Honestly where do I even start? I enjoyed reading every delicious piece of this tasty book.

There were some things that didn't work for me , and I saw some reviews pointing out that there was some mistreatment to women or rather, the family was set on the old ways, and I do agree but also get how it works in traditionally rooted families like this since I'm part of one, it still doesn't change the fact that it does suck. Also Yadrial was kind of judgemental and an asshole at the first half of the book so I get why people didn't like it because of that.

However, I loved the trans representation in this, and the last part of the book made me cry and my heart was warmed, even though I was still kinda pissed at the family, at least they're changing and learning I guess. Another thing is Jules, he was an adorable ball of sunshine and rainbows and made me feel so warm and fuzzy , simply my favorite character alongside Maritza. All in all I loved this book and it was such an amazing experience to read about such a beautiful and family oriented culture, makes me want to have a celebration with my family too tbh.