A review by hollymaynisbet
You Have a Match by Emma Lord


!Sort of contains spoilers, but none major! Read at your own risk!

This is the first book of my 1 Book a day - for a week - and it was a good start. A carefree, wholesome read!

I've decided to spend the time I have off of school catching up with my reading, that's why for the next 7 days - Wednesday to Wednesday - I'll be reading a book a day. I popped onto the website 'How Long to Read', which in my opinion is one of the greatest websites to ever exist, and it said it should take 4 hours and 30 minutes to read. The 302 pages took me about 7 hours with the constant distraction of parents, siblings, and of course food.

The reason I didn't give it the full 5 stars, was because at certain times I was a little confused on what was happening. For example, "Not trying to spoil!", when Abby (the main character) was arguing with her parents in the camp parking lot, it felt a bit chaotic. Which I can understand may have been intentional to capture how Abby was feeling in that moment, if this is the case, Emma Lord did a tremendous job at representing this emotion.

The writing was really carefree and made me feel comfortable when reading. At the start I wondered if it would become like Parent Trap - sisters meet at camp, yada yada - but it in fact was the opposite, with layers and depth. The characters all had a unique something about them that the audience could relate to in some way.

Mickey with her creative parents and interesting growing collection of temporary tattoos. Leo with his love of cooking - makes me want to try and put cinnamon into everything I cook. Savvy with her controlling personality and love of Instagram. Finn with his family issues. And Abby with her boy troubles, failing grades! Abby I can definitely relate to.

I would say, if you want a book that makes you feel warm, or a book for summer, this is your book! I'll leave this review with my favourite quotes that gave me butterflies.

"Told you. Stick with me this summer Bubbles, and I’ll get you the best views this place has to offer"

Happy reading!