A review by rainmisoa
Fruits Basket, Vol. 16 by Natsuki Takaya


*Gets a spork, goes to the Corner of Woe, and begins hacking away* (Don't try this at home, kids!) My God! What a depressing volume! I was emo throughout most of it... IF NOT ALL!!! This book centers around Kyoko and let me tell you, it's going to make you want to sit down in front of the TV screen watching mediocre shows with a big bucket of ice cream, cookies, and donuts on top! It's just THAT depressing. Not to mention, once you get pass Kyoko's story, you get the sadness from Machi's story. And if THAT'S not enough, you then get Akito thrown in your face! So it's like, sad, sad, then BOOM! You're pissed off because of the asswipe! -_-" Can I kick someone? Please? It'll make me feel so much better. I need to feel better right now because I'm just about ready to throw someone into traffic. Ugh! So... blah!!! I've never felt more depressed or pissed in my life! (I have. I just like being over-dramatic. X3) Man, this is awesome! I love things that can make me so upset! It shows just how awesome something really is! XD

Sensei, you are my love! I love you! Te amo! Je t'aime! Daisuki! And all them other ones that means you are sexy and I think you are amazing. Seriously, Takaya-sensei keeps throwing things together so well that it adds so much to the DRAMA! This is some good drama! Whoo! *Sugar High* Totally making pancakes after this! X3 Anyway, where was I...? Um... oh yeah! I love how she creates back story! I love learning about these wonderful characters and the fact that this one focused more on Kyoko, well, it just made it that much more epic. If you thought you knew everything there is to know about Kyoko then think again. Man, that story was so engaging (and sad) that I was literally eating it up as if it were pancakes! (Man... I'm really craving pancakes.) This mangaka is amazing! I can't stress it enough. And I do love her clothing designs for Rin! That girl can dress! I wish I had access to clothes like that but... I live in the middle of nowhere so it's hard to find. Nothing like online shopping, ne? ^_^ Takaya-sensei, keep doing a wonderful job!

Kyoko and Katsuya. Best. Couple. Ever. I'm not joking! They just have such a wonderful relationship together. We all know how badass Kyoko was. We've been seeing bits and pieces of her throughout the entire manga. But this is the first time we have fully seen how sexy Katsuya, Tohru's father, was! I love how he's not exactly very gentle. Yeah, he just goes up and says it how it is. I love that in people. It's amazing! (Not sure how to take his lolita complex. XD) My favorite part of him is how he takes insults as compliments and it pisses Kyoko off. It's hilarious! They are just so cute together so when you see the tragic stuff, it hurts all the more. Her story hurt me just as much as Kyo's did. *Sighs* I love these characters. Another part of the story that made me sad was Machi. We see more of why she acts so strangely. It's, of course, the circumstances that her life has her in. Seeing her feel useless was... unsettling. But it helps you grasp her situation a bit better. She does seem to be changing herself, though. Especially when it comes to Yuki. He seems to be helping her a lot even if it's very subtle at the moment.

Last part I want to talk about... AKITO! DAMN THAT BLOODY NO GOOD FU--*Insert various curse words here* I can't stand him! How can anyone!? I don't know how they do it but please, let me in on your secret! I don't think I can handle him for much longer! He's so evil! He went--no. I can't say it! But it was another thing that makes me want to burn him alive! You think that he would be a little more... oh, I don't know... CIVILIZED!!! Ack! I have a headache. I needs me some sugar in order calm my nerves. (Where's the bloody pancakes when you need them!?) Whatever! Moving on! Momiji is so adorable. I love how he's always helping Tohru out. Like with what he did with Kureno! That was cute. Kureno better shape up soon or I'm going to kick his ass as well! >_< Kyo has... more secrets than he's telling people but I can't say much about him. It's too spoiler-y. I'm just... concerned. Hmm... anyway... Hatori... looked... so... HOT!!! in that outfit of his! Dude, I think I fell in love with him~ AGAIN! Is that possible? But oh! He had a slip of the tongue! Tee-Hee-Hee!!! X3 On a final note, Haru is so wonderful. So gentle. Hold me, darling! I'll please you in more ways than on--*Gets shot* ...I really need to find the ass who keeps doing that. -_-"

Despite the fact that I went insane (again) in this volume, I really did enjoy myself. Getting to know Katsuya and Kyoko more was very nice. The bit with Machi was also nice. And just seeing all of the other characters growing into something much more than they already are is always something I am willing to accept! I want to see more and I cannot wait to get into the next volume! Do yourself a favor and read, man! Read till your heart explodes from all the cute, depressing, wonderful, agonizing, amazing content of this series. *Dreamy sigh* I wants me a Hatori. No. Haru. No. Kyo. No... SOHMA! (Minus asswipe.) Yeah... I'm hooked. This is my crack and I'm sucking it all up! Now, I think I'm going to make me some pancakes because I needs something to calm my nerves before I continue on. I know it's going to contain some of the stupid in the next volume and I can use all the sugar I can get. -_-" Join me after the pancakes! (SHUT UP ALREADY!!!) <3