A review by valemasel
Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross


Listen…I’m sorry I tried!!

The first red flag for me was how long it took me to finish, this is not a big book and i should’ve have finished it within a week, yet i kept postponing reading it and I even read other books while reading this one.

I think the relationship between marisol, Attie and Iris is very beautiful, I enjoyed that very much.

I also think Kitt is a wonderful person, but their love story was weird. I did not make any sense for me, it was like him knowing her and reading her stuff and being in love with her while also just acting “normal” and acting like he did not know her in real life, she basically knew nothing about him as kitt yet she “loved him” after the trenches and even went as far as stating that she had feelings for him even before but literally she did not know anything about him just basically that she disliked him for trying for columnist. (Her thing for Carver, that i understand)

But, i would have ignored that tbh, the problem for me was the ending. Mmmm so you mean to tell me she really just was like “oh okay forest, don’t worry I’ll go with you because i made you a promise I won’t leave” while she knows HE knows something about kitt??? No way in hell, it is contrary to everything she has done before and said about him and their relationship, even so, if we take him out. You mean to tell me, she would agree and not try to go find attie and marisol??? Just “yeah, i won’t leave, let me go to my room real quick and act sad but yeah imma stay right here”????

It does not make sense.

I think is a normal book, but the hype attached is really just that. I don’t even feel excited to read the second, i will probably but because i am a masochist