A review by xvicesx
Death and the Girl Next Door by Darynda Jones


To be honest, it's not my favorite. But then again, it's Darynda Jones' handiwork and it's the kind of art that grows on you. "Death and the Girl Next Door" wasn't my favorite in the beginning but now that I've went through with it to the end, I'm quite eager for the next book. I suppose this is Darynda's gift: to write lovely works that people grow to like despite them. I love this woman, gosh.

Everyone's been commenting on the characters so I won't go there, picking instead the chemistry of the group. You've got two baddies, both unrepentant and quite likely to have a go at each other with the first occasion they get. Just the tension between those two makes it worthwhile. But then add the trio of awesomeness and you've got an explosive mix!

Overall, it's a worthwhile read, you just have to keep an open mind. This is Darynda, after all.