A review by whimzycal_pages
The Heart Collector by Barbara Russell


Recieved an ARC for an honest review.

Simply divine. I loved it. This is the first book I've read in the steampunk genre and it looks like it won't be the last. The Heart Collector is an action packed novel and there is not one part of it that is boring or dry. It took all my energy to stop myself from going and rereading it right after I finished it.

This book is about a girl called who works for the MI7 and is trying to solve the mystery of the Heart Collector, a Supernatural villian that kills people and collects their heart. She works along three other people; her best friend Jamie, the head of MI7 Victor, and a new recruitment Murk (and also her love interest). They are all Supernaturals and have one ability. Isabel is an empath which means she can feel other people's feelings as well. The way the emotions were described was amazing, it was almost as if I could feel them too.

One thing I didn't like about the book was Isabel's obsession with Murk. It was kind of sudden and didn't really make sense at times. I would of liked more development and description of her feelings and what qualities of his she liked- not just his physical attributes. I also thought the end was a little rushed.

All in all, I definitely recommend this book. It's hooking and a great mystery to uncover. I would have never guessed who the Heart Collector was!
