A review by vj1990
Happy for You by Anyta Sunday


4 stars

I love a good drawn-out, slow build-up romance, and Anyta Sunday is amazing at writing them. I loved Mort and his quiet confidence and simultaneous vulnerability, his love for science and passion for teaching, the way he wanted to earn his way back to the Rochesters for something many would say wasn't really his fault. A lot of times, I read about main characters that blame some "evil" side character for past choices and mistakes et voilĂ , everything is forgiven. Mort seemed to understand that he made a choice and he took responsibility, which made me adore him and root for him for the whole story. He was patient and understanding of Felix's insecurities, but he also showed his own, which made their relationship so much more perfect and intimate. I could write this whole review about why I loved Mort, but I will move on to Felix.

Felix is adorable and has a huge heart, but he is kind of a mess of insecurities and vulnerabilities. One of the things that makes him and Mort great together is that Felix recognizes when Mort is struggling, instead of being constantly supported and saved. I loved that every once in a while, when I was feeling overwhelmed by the raw emotion between Felix and Mort and about to put the book down, Felix would do something ridiculously hilarious and I couldn't help but continue.

I also loved that all the siblings played significant roles and had true personalities in the book. One of my few complaints was that the twins were just lumped together as identical beings. I would have enjoyed a little more characterization with them, because they were my favourite side-characters.
One other concern was Roch's big reveal
Spoilerabout being bisexual. I wasn't quite sure what the purpose was except to add a random roadblock for Felix and Mort. It wasn't unbelievable because of what is revealed about Roch and Mort's old relationship, but it painted the picture in an awkward light, since I personally hate the whole siblings in rivalry over the same person. It was bearable because that isn't how it turned out, but it still made me feel weird

Finally, I did not know what to make of the mom simply because she was not depicted as much. Since I felt like a few of the characters could have been expanded upon, even though I love everyone, a smaller cast of side-characters might have helped me understand them a little better.

Overall, I loved the story and the characters, even though there were many of them. Slow build up is my favourite kind of romance and Anyta Sunday definitely delivered.

I received a free copy of this book via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review