A review by krejdar
The Boy Who Lost Fairyland by Catherynne M. Valente


This story may not contain our beloved trio of characters for quite some time, but please, I beg you to read on. Hawthorne and Tamburlaine are beautiful characters- a pair of characters you will absolutely fall in love with - and their story is essential to us seeing our darling September again.

I wish this book has been written 20 years sooner, so that my husband could have read it as a child and felt comforted. So that he could have seen a part of himself represented in such a beautiful way. Valente hits the nail on the head (and not at all in a cliché way) of what it feels like to be someone on the Autism Spectrum*. If you're on the Spectrum, you might appreciate and feel moved (just as my husband did when I read those specific sentences to him) when reading pages 47 and 60/61.

*for those unaware, the Changeling lore was born from parents with children on the Spectrum. These children "changed overnight" and the parents "just wanted their normal child back". These children were on the Spectrum, but were instead called Changelings and treated like aliens. Valente represented this beautifully, and I have so much respect for her and even more love for this series.