A review by seventhchariot
Under One Roof by Ali Hazelwood


Look... I had high expectations for sure but still...

Under One Roof wasn't my jam, but I get why some people are enjoying it. I think my main problems were with the narrator and me not liking how the audiobook sounded, but also the fact that this was marketed as a hate-to-love when in actuality it was just two people learning how to share a house???

I did like the ace representation in our hero, and there were some cute/funny moments, but overall this just didn't meet my expectations and I blame it all on my love for [b:The Love Hypothesis|56732449|The Love Hypothesis|Ali Hazelwood|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1611937942l/56732449._SX50_.jpg|88674377] lol.

Rating: 2 stars