A review by yoggi01
Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown

informative inspiring reflective


"Less but better"
"Good but non essential"
Finding out what's important and focusing on that.
Saying no to things that aren't essential.

1. I have to
2. It's all important 
3. I can do both

1. I choose to
2. Only a few things really matter
3. I can do anything but not everything 

It's difficult since there are so many good things in the world but they are not all essential. Have to do some soul searching to figure out what's important to you.

"The faintest pencil is better than the strongest memory"
Quote about the importance of journaling. Write less than you feel like writing. Take an hour every 3 months or so to read the journal entries . Focus on broader patterns or trends, capture the headline. Look for the lead in your day, in your week, in your life.

Play is essential.

90 % rule, when making a decision score it from 1-100, if it's below a 90 reject it and move on. The principle of, if it isn't a resounding yes then it's a resounding no.

Simple systematic process to apply selective criteria to opportunities.
1. Write down the opportunity
2. Write down a list of three minimum criteria, the options would need to pass in order to be considered.
3. Write down a list of three ideal/extreme criteria, the option would need to pass in order to be considered.

Need to pass two of the three extreme criteria.

Searching for a career opportunity:
1. What am I deeply passionate about
2. What taps my talent
3. What meets a significant need in the world

What am I saying no to?
Not saying no to something is the same as saying yes to it.

Note to self: i don't have that many commitments, so I should be careful about not being too strict with saying no. Right now even the most mundane hangout can be essential to me. It can also be non essential, I need to reflect on this.

Setting boundaries.
"If you have limits then you will becom limitless"

Create a buffet. When thinking about how long something should take over estimate by 50%