A review by lifeinfiction
Sea by Heidi R. Kling

First of all, the writing is simply excellent. Ms. Kling certainly has a talent for creating amazing characters and for fleshing out a story to make it real and alive. Of course, my favorite characters are Sea and Deni, who make a great couple, despite their differences. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing how Sea grew as a person thanks to Deni and the events surrounding the tsunami. She overcame her fears and in the end, was a totally different person than in the beginning. Sea is a wonderful narrator and I found myself laughing and crying along with her. Sea isn't the only character who grows and changes, however. Almost every character has their own personal struggles to overcome, which makes them extremely well-rounded and helps take the story to the next level.

I can only think of one thing that I didn't like about the novel and that was the character of Spider. I wish we had seen more of him and learned more about his friendship with Sea. He is the only character I felt fell a little flat.

Sea is that it is truly a beautiful and powerful novel. I love the backstory of how Ms. Kling started writing it and the novel ended up improving my perspective of the world. I know bad things happen, that disaster strikes more than once and does so personally and globally, but Sea helped me become more aware of the world and everything that's going on.

Sea is an emotional, but enlightening story that needs to be read by EVERYONE. It will resonate with those who have either lost a loved one or experienced a natural disaster. But even those who haven't will still find Sea amazingly splendid and it'll hopefully open people's eyes to the disasters the world is facing. Not only will readers fall in love with the characters and story, they will also end up learning a lot.