A review by cpliego
Playing Hooky by Rita J. Webb


I think my first problem with this one was that Playing Hooky was too short. I already know I don’t like short stories, but I decided that a novella was worth a shot. From the synopsis it sounded like something I would really be pulled into, but unfortunately, Playing Hooky turned out to quite annoying and I barely got through it.

For starters, I had a problem connecting with Emma and Jason. I was also annoyed with their conversations, because half the time they spent talking about past events as a filler on their relationship and that bugged me so much.

I also had a time really getting into the paranormal aspect into the story. Since there were under 100 pages to this novella, the story was rushed right to the dwarves and unicorns, sirens and elves, and Emma just sort of accepted everything as it came without much surprise.

The ending was rushed and the villain was a little surprising, but overall predictable. I was really disappointed in how rushed Playing Hooky was, since there were so many elements to be included, and delivered rather poorly.

In conclusion, I didn’t find Playing Hooky to be good. Although I am fond of paranormal and friendships turned into love interests, I didn’t enjoy it all. I have seen many positive reviews though, so if it sounds like something others might enjoy, I say give it a shot. Overall, this one was not for me at all.