A review by keenanmaree
Raven Stole the Moon by Garth Stein


I have really mixed feeling about this book. It was way creepier than I was expecting, and I LOVED that aspect of it. I wanted even more of it. All of the supernatural, mythological stuff was fascinating and a lot of fun to read. I even got caught up a tiny bit in the romance side of the story, though I got tired of that very quickly. I just have very little patience for love triangles.

There were also a few things I had issues with, most of which I tried to shrug off as the result of this book having been written in the 90s, and thus certain ways of thinking/behaving on the part of the characters are a bit outdated. The most glaring example of this is the character Joey. Dude is a certifiable psychopath, and he faces ZERO consequences for his actions. He breaks into an old man's house, tortures said old man, and shoots a dog, and the worst that he gets is a stern "don't ever come back here" from the sheriff, because arresting him is more paperwork than the sheriff wants to deal with.

Overall I really enjoyed most of this book. If there had been just a bit less romance fluff, and if someone had shot Joey in the face, I probably would have love the book.