A review by darquedreamer
No Plain Rebel by M.C. Frank


No Plain Rebel immerses you further in to the dream world of No Ordinary Star. It is deeply emotional, elegantly thought provoking, and will have your heart pumping! This stunning installment in the series will have you re-evaluating what you know of futuristic science fiction and fantasies of utopia.

The Plot: Picking up where No Ordinary Star left off, Felix and Astra begin to uncover the deepest secrets held in the Clockmaster's hidden library. In turn, they begin to uncover more secrets about themselves, and what it truly means to be human. It is a race against time for Felix to finish the great clock for the celebration, but can he do the right thing, knowing what the clock is truly meant for?

M.C. Frank continues to impress me with her beautiful writing! I love this one more than the first one! No Plain Rebel delves deeper in to the minds, and histories, of Astra and Felix. It reveals more about the history of the One World, and allows us to learn more about the Clockmaster and his family. There is more of a human connection in this one, along with a revelation of sadness and terror. It is in this book that we truly begin to see what Astra and Felix have missed in their lives, and we learn the terrifying truth of the past, present, and potential future of earth and the One World.

No Plain Rebel symbolizes the importance of waking up from a life of lies. We see Felix become more human and start to realize everything he missed as a drone. This one shows us how disconnected the world is from simple human pleasures, such as real food, music, and books. I find that Felix figuring out how to put the clock together is beautifully symbolic of he and Astra figuring each other out and learning how to be human again.

I am very proud to be a part of the street team for this trilogy! So far, both books have captivated my mind and my heart. The story is rich, bold, and beautiful. No Plain Rebel adds so much depth to the first book and the past and present of our main characters. It adds much needed backstory to the world Frank has created, and makes us see how so many things can go wrong with the creation of a Utopian society in a futuristic setting.