A review by lhart2222
The Hit List by Holly Seddon



One year after her husband Greg’s death, Marianne hasn’t quite come to terms with it. Recently finding someone new, Marianne struggles to let go of Greg completely. While sorting through some of his old things searching for memories she stumbles upon something no one would wish to find. A dark web browser open on Greg’s laptop, then even worse, a hit list with her name on it. Marianne now needs to work out was Greg’s death truly an accident or was he up to something much more sinister.

This book takes place in three parts, part one is the present, following Marianne, and her would-be Assassin. Part two, is the past, telling us all that happens in the lead up to the present day, and the events that led to the hit lists creation. Part three, back to the present day where we find out what really happened to Greg and all the others. Usually I find chopping and changing times and characters creates a real disconnect between the protagonist and the reader, but this author did a great job of allowing each person time to have a real impact on your emotions.

This book was great for a good engaging storyline, one that kept me hooked cover to cover. Having us follow multiple characters slowly revealing more and more about their stories as we read on really creates lots of questions that you want answering. Very enjoyable throughout this book really did surprise me, taking me down so many routes I was never expecting. The book builds nicely to the finale of each character's story, and when you think it’s all over there are a few more twists to keep your heart racing.

The writing of the book was fluent and easy to follow, broken up well with no overly long chapters or passages. My only flaw would perhaps be the chapters all starting and ending on the same page, making reading seem longer than it was. But this may just be a publisher thing and is just personal preference and takes nothing away from the book.

Overall a very good story that had me reading on and on, it’s a four from me. The only thing preventing the five star is it was a little too unrealistic or coincidental at times, once again just personal taste. I’d strongly recommend this book.