A review by adam_z
Thrawn: Alliances by Timothy Zahn

Did not finish book.

Threw in the towel 40% in. Good production on the audiobook (as I've come to expect from SW audiobooks), but the writing falls flat. The Powers that Be have handcuffed even Mr. Zahn. It's pretty bad when you take the man who many regard as the best Star Wars novelist, and have him write a novel about two of the most interesting characters in the Star Wars universe, and the novel just falls flat. Almost halfway through the book and I just don't give a rip about it.

[rant]Star Wars novels definitely aren't what they used to be - since the Mouse took over, I find the novels to be quite disappointing. I've read most of the new Disney-era canon books, and they're mostly disappointing. The only thing that has come out that has really wow'd me was Claudia Gray's LOST STARS.

Ironically, while many people complain about Chuck Wendig's AFTERMATH trilogy, I actually enjoyed those more than many of the other books that focused on known characters from the the films & tv shows.[/rant]