A review by erinnh
I'm Supposed to Protect You from All This by Nadja Spiegelman


*I received a free copy through the Goodreads giveaways section.*

When I saw this listed in the giveaways section, I was intrigued. I have always been fascinated by the narratives each person constructs for their lives, and I have especially been interested in inter-generational narratives. So, I had high hopes for this memoir, and it has easily become one of my favorite books.

The stories told here are so vividly captured and they truly resonated with me, so much that I often got shivers while reading them, or tears brought to my eyes. I relate to Spiegelman's desire to know the stories of those from whom she came, and I think she handles each person's narrative, including her own, with grace and respect despite the fact that they are often at odds.

I'm Supposed to Protect You from All This deals with the legacy of traumas and events through generations. It felt much shorter than it's actual 372 pages and I was sorry to see it end. I recommend to everyone.