A review by kebreads
A Holiday in Bath by Caroline Warfield, Jaima Fixsen, Julie Daines


I was looking forward to reading this book, but it was a bit of a disappointment since it wasn't quite as good as I had hoped and expected. Below is my reviews of each story.

Trial of the Heart:
This was my favorite of the three stories. I enjoyed this story. It had good characters and a good story line, with some interesting twists and turns.
Rating: 4 stars
Content: Clean - some violence

Lord Edmund's Dilemma:
I liked this story and characters, but the story didn't hold my attention. I can't quite pinpoint what about the story left me wanting, but in the end I thought it a good story but not a great story.
Rating: 3.5 stars
Content: a couple swear words, passionate kissing

The Art of Kissing in the Park:
I liked how this story did a good job of including a large amount of background in the first chapter that helped set the basis for the rest of the story. This story drew me in, and I liked the characters. This story had content that was implied, but not spelled out. Still this lessened my enjoyment of the story.
Rating: 3.5 stars
Content: a couple swear words, passionate kissing

Source: Review Copy