A review by naiapard
Serpent's Touch by Marina Simcoe


I saw some quotes from this book lying around and I said it may be worth a shot. Especially as I do not have currently an exciting read on my shelf.

[I saw those quotes on Marina Simcoe`s review , she is the author, but just know I see that:)]

There is not much action happening aside from what the two main protagonists are doing, and you know what? That is good! I like a book that knows its purpose. Is this a romance fantasy? Yes! Does it act like one? Hell, yeah!

There is this girl that nurses to health a fae with deadly powers (maybe that is a bit too much to say, she just gives him water when he needs it). They get attached and they start having some adventures together.

I liked that the story wasn`t weighted down by too many insidious details, it had just the essentials.

It is a good book to read (I am currently reading part two, Serpent's Claim (Serpent's Touch, #2) and I can`t say I am too thrilled about it, really, but this one was nice).

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