A review by smjohns91
Zelda by Nancy Milford


I bought Zelda on a whim when I was caught downtown one evening near Barnes and Noble with a little time to kill. So naturally, I started reading the book right there at the store and after purchasing it, took it home and continued to read it. It chronicles the life of Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald, from the beginning to end, with a huge lull in the middle that deal with her illness. I didn't know before reading this book that she too was a novelist and writer, I had always assumed that she was the golden child of the roaring 20s, along with being the wife of F. Scott.

The book was enlightening and more in depth than I was expecting - I was hoping for a more general overview of her life, and somewhat of a lighter read. Either way, it was interesting even though it took me a while to get through it. First published in 1970, the book has gone through a few editions since, and I found the book very informative.